Extreme Car Driving Racing 3D hack 2016

Extreme Car Driving Racing 3D hack 2016

Extreme Car Driving Simulator Hack for Credits, and to Unlock All Cars
Are driving games something you’re interested in? Do you feel like simulators are something you can play for a good amount of time and not get bored? If so Extreme Car Driving Simulator is really a great game when it comes to mobile gaming. The game is available on both iOS and Android which allows for most people with a smart phone to play this game if so inclined. The game allows you to play at two different extremes. Either you can drive safely and obey the rules of the road or you can change everything up and decide to disobey all rules and regards to safety. The game isn’t all fun and games when you make a mistake. The car you’re driving takes damage and the performance also takes a hit once your car progressively gets worse and worse.

There are several different cars that you can drive and each one has its own advantages or disadvantages depending on how you view it. Certain cars have better control and speed while others are more safe to drive and the list of things a different car can provide goes on. There are a lot of camera angles you can choose from, from in-cab to above and behind to besides the wheels of the car. There are various steering options that you can toggle and figure out which ones work better for you, I prefer the accelerometer version, plus throttle and brake. In my mind the most impressive part of the simulator is the detail and extensiveness of the virtual world you’re dropped in. As you make your ways to the outskirts of one “game zone”, another is loaded in, giving you similar details that you’ve seen before, new buildings and themes, new textures.

There is a shop menu that you can spend the “virtual dollars” that you get while playing the game. You can earn virtual dollars by just playing each day or per mile driven. You could obviously just buy virtual dollars with the IAPs offered within the game. Virtual dollars get you new cars to drive and allow you to test the new cars in game to see what car and driving preferences you like better. The only IAP that I can even imagine purchasing is the function that allows you to remove all ads in game once and for all. The amount of ads on this app are really out of hand in my mind. The game, with apps still popping up every once and a while, is still playable but is by no means optimal. The ads cover up space on the screen that may distract you from the game itself and they pop up with an on screen prompt that is also distracting in itself.

Extreme Car Driving Simulator Cheat for Credits, and to Unlock All Cars
Playing Extreme Car Driving Simulator can be a blast, but you need a lot of credits in this game to unlock upgrades and accessories for your cars. You can purchase credits in-game using real money, but this often gets expensive with just a few item purchases. This is why we have developed a free hack tool that you can use to get unlimited credits and unlock all of the cars.

If you look at the picture below, you will see how the interface of the hack tool is setup, with an easy-to-read options menu to help you through the hack process.

All you need to do to get your unlimited credits and to unlock all of the cars is to download AppGameCheats free hack tool, which is available for iOS and Android. The hack tool downloads within 30 seconds, and then automatically installs within 60 seconds. You just need to choose Android or iOS before you can begin the process. After that, all you have to do is input the amount of credits you want to add to your account.
Press “Start” so that the hack tool for Extreme Car Driving Simulator can begin working, and it should take no longer than 45 seconds to complete. All you do at that point is load up the game as you normally would, and you will see that the cars are all unlocked, and the credits you wanted to add to your account are there for you to use at anytime.

Extreme Car Driving Simulator Tips
As I said, the ads really are a problem and a good tip is to pay for the removal of ads for the game. Some game’s ads can be skipped by getting off of WiFi or 4G and they won’t be able to load the ad. Now I don’t suggest this entirely because the creators of the game do deserve money for making such a good game and I can tell you that they worked hard creating such a diverse game. You can try the game without ads like that and see if it works for you, I would then suggest buying the ad removal if you feel like it’s worth it. The removing of the ads is really just a quality of life thing and really isn’t needed but it is well worth the few dollars.

As mentioned previously there are three options that appear that the top left of your screen and they are for driving and change the way you car handles. The three options are ESP(Electronic Stability Program), which improves your car’s stability by reducing skidding and increasing traction. The second option is TC (Traction control system), a part within ESP and is another thing made to prevent you from slipping when turning at high speeds and making sharp turns. The third option is ABS (Anti-lock braking system), which is a system that allows the wheels on your car to maintain tractive contact with the road according to driver inputs while braking, preventing the wheels from locking up and spinning out on the road.

Another tip I can suggest is to just drive. It may sound quite obvious because of the entire point of the game but you really do just need to take extended drives and make sure you play each day to earn enough money to try and unlock all of the cars in game to find yourself the car that works for you the best. Making sure to drive around the city a lot will allow you to figure out the car’s handling and also earn you lots of money while doing so.

Extreme Car Driving Simulator Review
I really don’t play driving games but simulators always have my interest when it comes down to it. I’m not one to be completely addicted to a game and this is not a game I can see myself getting too involved in. The game itself is made really well and the graphics are nice as well. I have nothing against the game itself and I don’t see anything wrong with it other than the game not really pulling me in and keeping me playing for over an hour or so at a time. The UI is quite cluttered for my taste as I would like a more minimal UI compared to lots of options spread out over the menu. All of the different things are pretty much put in one confined space and it makes it look off-putting to me.

I put about two or so hours into this game upon first picking it up and continued to play for short periods of time after that in an attempt to get a nicer car to try out different driving preferences with. I ended up getting a few cars and the differences between them really do matter more than you may think. I suggest saving up money for a nicer car instead of buying a cheaper car that may not perform as well as the higher tier car. While driving the cars around I found a ramp that was looking out over a drop and learned about these spawning randomly on the map and allowing people who drive around aimlessly to find things to do while they’re somewhat lost in the game. I like the addition of this and subtle things like that make games that much better in my mind.

The game makes itself out to be a simulator and that it is mostly. There aren’t any real goals to it other than a mini game that you can play to also earn money. I believe that the money is the real incentive to playing the game and the exploring of the game makes me want to play more but as I said there is limited play for me because of the lack of actual gameplay. I personally would recommend this to my friends who enjoy driving games and it only gets my seal of approval based on the graphics and the realism that the damage and general controls bring to the game.

I am very impressed with the game itself and do not feel like the download nor the paying to remove apps was unjustified. Had the company added more mini games and maybe less frequent ads then I would have no problem giving this game a go ahead to be played every day.

AppGameCheats Own Ratings
Artwork and UI: I give Extreme Car Driving Simulator a 7/10 when it comes to the artwork and UI. The UI, as mentioned earlier in the review, is a mess when it comes down to it. There are plenty of things they could do to clean it up but they have neglected it in my mind. Whereas this isn’t a completely game breaking thing it’s a quality of life thing that I would rather have fixed. “In my mind the most impressive part of the simulator is the detail and extensiveness of the virtual world”. This really does hold up and it says a lot about how mobile gaming is progressing as you begin to see much better quality games being put out by smaller companies.

Music & SFX: music and SFX.The music actually fits the game really well when you’re deciding to break free from the rules of the road and start taking off on the highway going 80+ miles per hour. The music has a rock and roll type of feel to it and I’m perfectly okay with how the music plays along with game’s concept. The sounds for the cars themselves are also well done and something you need to experience to understand it well. The revving of the engine and the sound of your tires screeching as you peel out from a complete stop really gives this game a leg up on other racing games I’ve played before.

Story & Originality: I give Extreme Car Driving Simulator a 8/10 for its originality solely. This game is a simulator and therefore doesn’t really have a storyline to be talking about in this section of the review. This is pretty much about the originality of the game and how they manage to do it better than most mobile driving games. The very open map aspect of the game is appealing to me just based on being able to explore the game and not have to worry about hitting world borders and having to turn around.

General Gameplay: I give the game an 8/10 when it comes to the general gameplay. The general gameplay is enticing and doesn’t really leave me wanting much else, other than a few more mini games, and I don’t feel like the developers have been too far off with what they’ve created. The adaptive gameplay based on your car and driving preferences allows the game to be different for everybody and it gives the game more depth as you try to find the things that work best for you in the long run. The destructible vehicle part also shows me that they took time to create the textures for all this and didn’t skip out on anything really. Seeing as this is a simulator and less of a game I’m happy with how it plays currently.

Addictiveness: I give Extreme Car Driving Simulator a 6/10 when it comes to addictiveness. “…this is not a game I can see myself getting too involved in.”. That statement I said earlier on is not something I say to make the game seem like there is something wrong with it but I simply can’t get addicted to simulators such as this. Driving games fail to hold my attention for an extended period of time and this one only got me to play for a bit longer to unlock a new car to try my hand at driving a faster car finally.



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